

ViewHelper Documentation


FlexForm configuration container ViewHelper


id string, required

Identifier of this Flexible Content Element, [a-z0-9\-] allowed

label string, required

Label for the form, can be LLL: value. Optional - if not specified, Flux tries to detect an LLL label named "flux.fluxFormId", in scope of extension rendering the Flux form.

description string, required

Short description of the purpose/function of this form

icon string, required

DEPRECATED: Use `options="{icon: 'iconreference'}"` or the `flux:form .option.icon` ViewHelper

mergeValues boolean, required

DEPRECATED AND IGNORED. To cause value merging, simly prefix your field names with the table name, e.g. `tt_content.header` will overwrite the "header" column in the record with the FlexForm field value when saving the record if the record belongs in table `tt_content`.

enabled boolean, required

If FALSE, features which use this form can elect to skip it. Respect for this flag depends on the feature using the form.

wizardTab string, required

DEPRECATED: Use `options="{group: 'GroupName'}` or the `` ViewHelper

compact boolean, required

If TRUE, disables sheet usage in the form. WARNING! AVOID DYNAMIC VALUES AT ALL COSTS! Toggling this option is DESTRUCTIVE to variables currently saved in the database!

variables anySimpleType, required

Freestyle variables which become assigned to the resulting Component - can then be read from that Component outside this Fluid template and in other templates using the Form object from this template

options anySimpleType, required

Custom options to be assigned to Form object - valid values depends on the. See docs of extension in which you use this feature. Can also be set using `flux:form.option` as child of `flux:form`.

localLanguageFileRelativePath string, required

Relative (from extension) path to locallang file containing labels for the LLL values used in this form.

extensionName string, required

If provided, enables overriding the extension context for this and all child nodes. The extension name is otherwise automatically detected from rendering context.

ViewHelper Resources

Schema Resources