ViewHelper Documentation
ControllerActions ViewHelper
Renders a FlexForm select field with options fetched from requested extensionName/pluginName and other settings.
There are three basic ways of adding selection options:
- You can use the "extensionName" and "pluginName" to render all possible actions from an Extbase plugin that you've defined. It doesn't have to be your own plugin - if for example you are rendering actions from EXT:news or another through your own plugin.
- Or you can use the "actions" argument which is an array: {ControllerName: 'action1,action2,action3', OtherControllerName: 'action1'}
- And you can extend any of the two methods above with the "subActions"
parameter, which allows you to extend the allowed actions whenever
the specified combination of ControllerName + actionName is encountered.
Example: actions="{ControllerName: 'action1,action2'}"
subActions="{ControllerName: {action1: 'action3,action4'}}"
Gives options: ControllerName->action1,action3,action4 with LLL values based on "action1"
ControllerName->action2 with LLL values based on "action2"
By default Flux will create one option per action when reading Controller actions - using "subActions" it becomes possible to add additional actions to the list of allowed actions that the option will contain, as opposed to having only one action per option.
And there are a few ways to limit the options that are displayed:
- You can use "excludeActions" to specify an array in the same syntax used by the "actions" argument, these are then excluded.
- You can specifiy the "controllerName" argument in which case only actions from that Controller are displayed.
And there are a couple of ways to define/resolve labels for actions:
- You can add an LLL label in your locallang_db file: lowercasepluginname.lowercasecontrollername.actionfunctionname example index:
- You can do nothing, in which case the very first line of the PHP doc-comment of each action method is used. This value can even be an LLL:file reference (in case you don't want to use the pattern above - but beware this is somewhat expensive processing)
- Or you can do nothing at all, not even add a doc comment, in which case the Controller->action syntax is used instead.
Marking actions that have required arguments (which cause errors if rendered on a page that is accessible through a traditional menu) is possible but is deactivated for LLL labels; if you use LLL labels and your action requires an argument, be user friendly and note so in the LLL label or docs as applies.
Lastly, you can set a custom name for the field in which case the value does not trigger the Extbase SwitchableControllerActions feature but instead works as any other Flux FlexForm field would.
To use the field just place it in your Flux form (but in almost all cases leave out the "name" argument which is required on all other field types at the time of writing this). Where the field is placed is not important; the order and the sheet location don't matter.
- name
- label
- default
- required
- exclude
- transform
- enabled
- requestUpdate
- displayCond
- inherit
- inheritEmpty
- clear
- validate
- size
- multiple
- minItems
- maxItems
- itemListStyle
- selectedListStyle
- items
- extensionName
- pluginName
- controllerName
- actions
- excludeActions
- prefixOnRequiredArguments
- disableLocalLanguageLabels
- localLanguageFileRelativePath
- subActions
- separator
name string
Name of the field
label string
Label for the attribute, can be LLL: value. Optional - if not specified, Flux tries to detect an LLL label named "flux.fluxFormId.fields.foobar" based on field name, in scope of extension rendering the Flux form. If field is in an object, use "flux.fluxFormId.objects.objectname.foobar" where "foobar" is the name of the field.
default string
Default value for this attribute
required string
If TRUE, this attribute must be filled when editing the FCE
exclude string
If TRUE, this field becomes an "exclude field" (see TYPO3 documentation about this)
transform string
Set this to transform your value to this type - integer, array (for csv values), float, DateTime, Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Object or ObjectStorage with type hint. Also supported are FED Resource classes.
enabled string
If FALSE, disables the field in the FlexForm
requestUpdate string
If TRUE, the form is force-saved and reloaded when field value changes
displayCond string
Optional "Display Condition" (TCA style) for this particular field
inherit string
If 0 (zero), prevents inheritance of the value for this particular field - if inheritance is enabled by the ConfigurationProvider
inheritEmpty string
If TRUE, allows empty values (specifically excluding the number zero!) to be inherited - if inheritance is enabled by the ConfigurationProvider
clear string
If TRUE, a "clear value" checkbox is displayed next to the field which when checked, completely destroys the current field value all the way down to the stored XML value
validate string
FlexForm-type validation configuration for this input
size string
Size of the selector box
multiple string
If TRUE, allows multiple selections
minItems string
Minimum required number of items to be selected
maxItems string
Maxium allowed number of items to be selected
itemListStyle string
Overrides the default list style when maxItems > 1
selectedListStyle string
Overrides the default selected list style when maxItems > 1 and renderMode is default
items string
Optional, full list of items to display - note: if used, this overrides any automatic option filling!
extensionName string
Name of the Extbase extension that contains the Controller to parse, ex. MyExtension. In vendor based extensions use dot, ex. Vendor.MyExtension
pluginName string
Name of the Extbase plugin that contains Controller definitions to parse, ex. MyPluginName
controllerName string
Optional extra limiting of actions displayed - if used, field only displays actions for this controller name - ex Article(Controller) or FrontendUser(Controller) - the Controller part is implied
actions string
Array of "ControllerName" => "csv,of,actions" which are allowed. If used, does not require the use of an ExtensionName and PluginName (will use the one specified in your current plugin automatically)
excludeActions string
Array of "ControllerName" => "csv,of,actions" which must be excluded
prefixOnRequiredArguments string
A short string denoting that the method takes arguments, ex * (which should then be explained in the documentation for your extension about how to setup your plugins
disableLocalLanguageLabels string
If TRUE, disables LLL label usage and just uses the class comment or Controller->action syntax
localLanguageFileRelativePath string
Relative (from extension $extensionName) path to locallang file containing the action method labels
subActions string
Array of sub actions {ControllerName: {list: 'update,delete'}, OtherController: {new: 'create'}} which are also allowed but not presented as options when the mapped action is selected (in example: if ControllerName->list is selected, ControllerName->update and ControllerName->delete are allowed - but cannot be selected).
separator string
Separator string (glue) for Controller->action values, defaults to "->". Empty values result in default being used.