

ViewHelper Documentation


Group (select supertype) FlexForm field ViewHelper, subtype "file"


name string

Name of the attribute, FlexForm XML-valid tag name string

label string

Label for the attribute, can be LLL: value. Optional - if not specified, Flux tries to detect an LLL label named "flux.fluxFormId.fields.foobar" based on field name, in scope of extension rendering the Flux form. If field is in an object, use "flux.fluxFormId.objects.objectname.foobar" where "foobar" is the name of the field.

default string

Default value for this attribute

required string

If TRUE, this attribute must be filled when editing the FCE

exclude string

If TRUE, this field becomes an "exclude field" (see TYPO3 documentation about this)

transform string

Set this to transform your value to this type - integer, array (for csv values), float, DateTime, Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Object or ObjectStorage with type hint. Also supported are FED Resource classes.

enabled string

If FALSE, disables the field in the FlexForm

requestUpdate string

If TRUE, the form is force-saved and reloaded when field value changes

displayCond string

Optional "Display Condition" (TCA style) for this particular field

inherit string

If 0 (zero), prevents inheritance of the value for this particular field - if inheritance is enabled by the ConfigurationProvider

inheritEmpty string

If TRUE, allows empty values (specifically excluding the number zero!) to be inherited - if inheritance is enabled by the ConfigurationProvider

clear string

If TRUE, a "clear value" checkbox is displayed next to the field which when checked, completely destroys the current field value all the way down to the stored XML value

validate string

FlexForm-type validation configuration for this input

size string

Size of the selector box

multiple string

If TRUE, allows multiple selections

minItems string

Minimum required number of items to be selected

maxItems string

Maxium allowed number of items to be selected

itemListStyle string

Overrides the default list style when maxItems > 1

selectedListStyle string

Overrides the default selected list style when maxItems > 1 and renderMode is default

maxSize string

Maximum file size allowed in KB

allowed string

Defines a list of file types allowed in this field

disallowed string

Defines a list of file types NOT allowed in this field

uploadFolder string

Upload folder. DEPRECATED, will be moved to the File field ViewHelper

showThumbnails string

If TRUE, displays thumbnails for selected values

ViewHelper Resources

Schema Resources