ViewHelper Documentation
Formats a given float to a currency representation.
= Examples =
<f:format.currency currencySign="$" decimalSeparator="." thousandsSeparator="," prependCurrency="false", separateCurrency="true", decimals="2">54321</f:format.currency>
{someNumber -> f:format.currency(thousandsSeparator: ',', currencySign: '')}
{someNumber -> f:format.currency(currencySign: '', forceLocale: true)}
{someNumber -> f:format.currency(currencySign: 'EUR', forceLocale: 'de_DE')}
{someNumber -> f:format.currency(currencySign: '', prependCurrency: 'true')}
{someNumber -> f:format.currency(currencySign: '', separateCurrency: 'false', decimals: '0')}
Note: This ViewHelper is intended to help you with formatting numbers into monetary units. Complex calculations and/or conversions should be done before the number is passed.
Also be aware that if the `locale
is set, all arguments except for the currency sign (which
then becomes mandatory) are ignored and the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) is used for formatting.
Fore more information about localization see section
Internationalization & Localization Framework
` in the
Flow documentation.
Additionally, if `currencyCode
` is set, rounding and decimal digits are replaced by the rules for the
respective currency (e.g. JPY never has decimal digits, CHF is rounded using 5 decimals.)
- forceLocale
- currencySign
- decimalSeparator
- thousandsSeparator
- prependCurrency
- separateCurrency
- decimals
- currencyCode
forceLocale anySimpleType
Whether if, and what, Locale should be used. May be boolean, string or \Neos\Flow\I18n\Locale
currencySign string
(optional) The currency sign, eg $ or .
decimalSeparator string
(optional) The separator for the decimal point.
thousandsSeparator string
(optional) The thousands separator.
prependCurrency boolean
(optional) Indicates if currency symbol should be placed before or after the numeric value.
separateCurrency boolean
(optional) Indicates if a space character should be placed between the number and the currency sign.
decimals integer
(optional) The number of decimal places.
currencyCode string
(optional) The ISO 4217 currency code of the currency to format. Used to set decimal places and rounding.