

ViewHelper Documentation


A view helper for creating URIs to actions.

= Examples =

<f:uri.action>some link</f:uri.action> currentpackage/currentcontroller (depending on routing setup and current package/controller/action)

<f:uri.action action="myAction" controller="MyController" package="YourCompanyName.MyPackage" subpackage="YourCompanyName.MySubpackage" arguments="{key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}">some link</f:uri.action> mypackage/mycontroller/mysubpackage/myaction?key1=value1&key2=value2 (depending on routing setup)


action string

Target action

arguments anySimpleType


controller string

Target controller. If NULL current controllerName is used

package string

Target package. if NULL current package is used

subpackage string

Target subpackage. if NULL current subpackage is used

section string

The anchor to be added to the URI

format string

The requested format, e.g. ".html"

additionalParams anySimpleType

additional query parameters that won't be prefixed like $arguments (overrule $arguments)

absolute boolean

By default this ViewHelper renders links with absolute URIs. If this is FALSE, a relative URI is created instead

addQueryString boolean

If set, the current query parameters will be kept in the URI

argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString anySimpleType

arguments to be removed from the URI. Only active if $addQueryString = TRUE

useParentRequest boolean

If set, the parent Request will be used instead of the current one. Note: using this argument can be a sign of undesired tight coupling, use with care

useMainRequest boolean

If set, the main Request will be used instead of the current one. Note: using this argument can be a sign of undesired tight coupling, use with care

ViewHelper Resources

Schema Resources