ViewHelper Documentation
This view helper implements an ifAccess/else condition.
= Examples =
<f:security.ifAccess privilegeTarget="somePrivilegeTargetIdentifier">
This is being shown in case you have access to the given privilege
Everything inside the <f:ifAccess> tag is being displayed if you have access to the given privilege.
<f:security.ifAccess privilegeTarget="somePrivilegeTargetIdentifier">
This is being shown in case you have access.
</f:then> <f:else>
This is being displayed in case you do not have access.
</f:else> </f:security.ifAccess>
Everything inside the "then" tag is displayed if you have access. Otherwise, everything inside the "else"-tag is displayed.
{f:security.ifAccess(privilegeTarget: 'someTarget', parameters: '{param1: \'value1\'}', then: 'has access', else: 'has no access')}
then anySimpleType
Value to be returned if the condition if met.
else anySimpleType
Value to be returned if the condition if not met.
condition boolean
Condition expression conforming to Fluid boolean rules
privilegeTarget string
Condition expression conforming to Fluid boolean rules
parameters anySimpleType
Condition expression conforming to Fluid boolean rules