ViewHelper Documentation
View helper which returns a select box, that can be used to switch between multiple actions and controllers and looks similar to TYPO3s funcMenu. Note: This view helper is experimental!
= Examples =
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Overview" controller="Blog" action="index" />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Create new Blog" controller="Blog" action="new" />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="List Posts" controller="Post" action="index" arguments="{blog: blog}" />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="{f:translate(key:'overview')}" controller="Blog" action="index" />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="{f:translate(key:'create_blog')}" controller="Blog" action="new" />
additionalAttributes anySimpleType
Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.
data anySimpleType
Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.
defaultController string