

ViewHelper Documentation


View helper which returns an option tag. This view helper only works in conjunction with \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Be\Menus\ActionMenuViewHelper Note: This view helper is experimental!

= Examples =

<f:be.menus.actionMenu> <f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Overview" controller="Blog" action="index" /> <f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Create new Blog" controller="Blog" action="new" /> <f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="List Posts" controller="Post" action="index" arguments="{blog: blog}" /> </f:be.menus.actionMenu> Selectbox with the options "Overview", "Create new Blog" and "List Posts"

<f:be.menus.actionMenu> <f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="{f:translate(key='overview')}" controller="Blog" action="index" /> <f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="{f:translate(key='create_blog')}" controller="Blog" action="new" /> </f:be.menus.actionMenu> localized selectbox


additionalAttributes anySimpleType

Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.

data anySimpleType

Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.

label string

label of the option tag

controller string

controller to be associated with this ActionMenuItem

action string

the action to be associated with this ActionMenuItem

arguments anySimpleType

additional controller arguments to be passed to the action when this ActionMenuItem is selected

ViewHelper Resources

Schema Resources