ViewHelper Documentation
View helper which renders a record list as known from the TYPO3 list module Note: This feature is experimental!
= Examples =
<f:be.tableList tableName="fe_users" />
<f:be.tableList tableName="fe_users" fieldList="{0: 'name', 1: 'email'}" storagePid="1" levels="2" filter='foo' recordsPerPage="10" sortField="name" sortDescending="true" readOnly="true" enableClickMenu="false" clickTitleMode="info" />
- tableName
- fieldList
- storagePid
- levels
- filter
- recordsPerPage
- sortField
- sortDescending
- readOnly
- enableClickMenu
- clickTitleMode
tableName string
name of the database table
fieldList anySimpleType
list of fields to be displayed. If empty, only the title column (configured in $TCA[$tableName]['ctrl']['title']) is shown
storagePid anySimpleType
by default, records are fetched from the storage PID configured in persistence.storagePid. With this argument, the storage PID can be overwritten
levels anySimpleType
corresponds to the level selector of the TYPO3 list module. By default only records from the current storagePid are fetched
filter string
corresponds to the "Search String" textbox of the TYPO3 list module. If not empty, only records matching the string will be fetched
recordsPerPage anySimpleType
amount of records to be displayed at once. Defaults to $TCA[$tableName]['interface']['maxSingleDBListItems'] or (if that's not set) to 100
sortField string
table field to sort the results by
sortDescending anySimpleType
if TRUE records will be sorted in descending order
readOnly anySimpleType
if TRUE, the edit icons won't be shown. Otherwise edit icons will be shown, if the current BE user has edit rights for the specified table!
enableClickMenu anySimpleType
enables context menu
clickTitleMode string
one of "edit", "show" (only pages, tt_content), "info