ViewHelper Documentation
Sorts an instance of ObjectStorage, an Iterator implementation, an Array or a QueryResult (including Lazy counterparts).
Can be used inline, i.e.: <f:for each="{dataset -> vhs:iterator.sort(sortBy: 'name')}" as="item"> // iterating data which is ONLY sorted while rendering this particular loop </f:for>
as string
Template variable name to assign; if not specified the ViewHelper returns the variable instead.
subject anySimpleType
The array/Traversable instance to sort
sortBy string
Which property/field to sort by - leave out for numeric sorting based on indexes(keys)
order string
ASC, DESC, RAND or SHUFFLE. RAND preserves keys, SHUFFLE does not - but SHUFFLE is faster
sortFlags string
Constant name from PHP for `SORT_FLAGS`: `SORT_REGULAR`, `SORT_STRING`, `SORT_NUMERIC`, `SORT_NATURAL`, `SORT_LOCALE_STRING` or `SORT_FLAG_CASE`. You can provide a comma seperated list or array to use a combination of flags.